Certified Life Care Planning (CLCP)


Life Care Planning ensures patient needs will be met both today and into the future.

Dr. Locketz aims to be the highest quality provider of damages valuation services in this field. As a practicing MD who specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR), he possesses the requisite expertise to independently formulate and defend recommendations for ongoing medical care in any court setting.


Our mission is to provide unparalleled expert witness services that support the pursuit of justice. We are dedicated to providing optimal care through unbiased and scientifically sound expertise across a wide range of disciplines to assist legal professionals in building strong, credible cases. Our commitment to integrity, thoroughness, and professionalism ensures that our clients receive the highest standard of support, enabling them to present clear, compelling, and authoritative testimony in legal proceedings.

Life Care Planning (LCP) is the established process of valuing long-term medical needs in cases of severe injury or illness. Dr. Locketz is a certified life care planner (CLCP), qualified to provide high-quality valuation of damages for those with long-term medical needs in cases of severe injury or illness.

A Life Care Plan attempts to answer three basic questions:

  1. What diagnosis does the injured individual have?
  2. What will an injured person's medical needs be in the future?
  3. What will be the associated costs incurred for medical care over the lifetime of the individual?

A life care plan crafted by Dr. Locketz is a comprehensive and meticulously detailed document designed to address the long-term medical needs of individuals with severe injuries or chronic conditions. The plan is structured around three core components: facts, expert opinions, and quantifiable conclusions.

  • Objective Findings: Dr. Locketz begins by gathering objective findings, which may include medical records, diagnostic results, and information obtained during thorough interviews or examinations. This data is crucial for building an accurate picture of the patient's current and future needs.
  • Expert Opinions: Drawing on his extensive experience as a physician life care planner and specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R), Dr. Locketz formulates expert opinions regarding the patient's impairments, disabilities, and the likely duration of care. His insights are grounded in both medical expertise and an understanding of the patient’s unique situation.
  • Quantitative Conclusions: The final component of the life care plan involves translating future medical requirements into monetary terms. This step ensures that all aspects of the patient's care, from ongoing treatments to long-term support, are financially accounted for.

    Dr. Locketz’s life care plans follow a structured sequence that adheres to the highest standards of the field. Each life care plan authored by Dr. Locketz not only meets but exceeds the professional standards set by the American Academy of Physician Life Care Planners, reflecting his commitment to delivering precise, defensible, and patient-centered care planning.

Adam Locketz, MD is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP) through the International Commission on Health Care Certification (ICHCC). In a field where less than 1% of life care planners are physicians, Dr. Locketz stands out as a medical expert witness and a physician life care planner. His specialization in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) makes him uniquely qualified to address a wide range of conditions.

View Dr. Locketz's profile on Experts Consultation here.

Why Choose Dr. Locketz
for Life Care Planning?

Expert Access & Flexible Scheduling

Dr. Locketz offers flexibility in scheduling and is willing to travel anywhere in the United States. Meetings and phone calls are included in the retainer fee, minimizing hidden fees and inflated hourly costs.

Medical Doctor & Certified Life Care Planner

Dr. Locketz’s dual qualification as an MD and a certified life care planner, combined with his specialization in PM&R, provides a unique and comprehensive understanding of various medical conditions. Dr. Locketz is licensed to practice medicine in Florida, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin and travels to all 50 states to provide expert testimony and life care planning.

Experienced in Legal Settings

With extensive experience in depositions and trial testimony, Dr. Locketz deposes well and ensures a quick turnaround on reports if needed.

Ensuring Compliance Through the Entire Process

Dr. Locketz’s team is committed to upholding the highest standards of compliance. We align with attorney protocols and legal requirements to ensure that all communication remains within the bounds of regulatory guidelines.


Dr. Locketz's is certified on Experts Consultation

Overview of the Life Care Planning Process

  • Initial Contact

    An attorney reaches out to our team for a case, and we provide requested information – this typically includes Dr. Locketz’s CV, fee sheet, and testimony list.

  • Send Invoice

    If the attorney decides to move forward, our team will send an invoice for Dr. Locketz’s retainer fee.

  • Collect Required Information

    Upon accepting a case, our team will ask the attorney to send all medical records for review along with the client’s contact information.

  • Schedule Exam

    Our team will contact the client to schedule an exam with Dr. Locketz. This exam can be performed either in person or via Zoom, based on the attorney’s preference.

  • Report Generation

    Our team will generate a report within 30 days of the client’s exam date. We offer rush services at an additional fee if the report is needed sooner.


Want to Schedule an Appointment?

Click the button below to fill out our contact form or email Case Manager Rachel Lemon at rlemon@timewisemedical.com to learn more about Life Care Planning with Dr. Locketz and how to get started.

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