FAQ: What about the Workplace and Medical Marijuana?


Below is a response I received about professional licensure and Medical Marijuana Use. In general it has already been determined at the State Supreme Court Level in Colorado that the patient’s employer has the final say in regards to on and off duty Medical Marijuana use. Some Workers Compensation plans are now paying for Medical Marijuana because of the obvious advantages over paying for opiates.

Workers’ Compensation to Cover Medical Marijuana in New Mexico

Employers may have final say on Marijuana Use


Hello Dr. Locketz,

Thank you for contacting the Office of Medical Cannabis.

Your patient’s question about his paramedic license renewal should be directed to the EMS Regulatory Board. To the best knowledge of our office, the EMS Regulatory Board has not issued any guidance to its licensees regarding their participation in the medical cannabis patient registry program.

As far as professional licensure guidelines, Minnesota Statute 152.32, subd. 2(c) (152.32 PROTECTIONS FOR REGISTRY PROGRAM PARTICIPATION provides that “health care practitioner[s] are not subject to any civil or disciplinary penalties by the Board of Medical Practice, the Board of Nursing, or by any business, occupational, or professional licensing board or entity, solely for the participation in the registry program under sections 152.22 to 152.37. . . .

Nothing in this section affects a professional licensing board from taking action in response to violations of any other section of law.”


Minnesota Department of Health

Office of Medical Cannabis

PO Box 64882

St Paul, MN  55164-0882

